Take Action US |Campaign for Movement

We are under no illusion that making these changes will be easy, but by using our collective voices and making a stand for what we believe in, together we can help drive the movement that our society needs.

Find your local representative and send them a letter or email here urging them to make spending on cycling and walking a priority. It’s time to take meaningful action for the future of our cities and the people who live in them.

Simply download our template below and send it to your local policymaker:

Take Action USA


We wanted Active Travel firmly on the political agenda during the UK 2019 General Election which is why we hosted the Active Travel Hustings at our London factory.

Representatives from each political party attended and the debate was chaired by the BBC’s Rachel Schofield, a keen cyclist, and our panelists were:

  • Chris Heaton-Harris, Minister for Cycling and Walking, Conservatives
  • Ruth Cadbury, Member Transport Select Committee and Chair of the APPCG, Labour
  • Caroline Pidgeon AM, Deputy Chair of the London Assembly Transport Committee, Liberal Democrats
  • Caroline Russell AM, National Spokesperson for Transport, Green Party

Watch as each of the respective party's outlined their active travel policy proposals, face questions from the Chair and the floor.

Learn more about Brompton Bicycle's Campaign for Movement.


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